Home Floor Trends of 2020

By Michelle Moon

New floors are a significant design refresher, as well as a solid investment that can increase your home’s value. Whether you’re renovating to sell your home or to improve the home you already love, here are the top three flooring trends of 2020

1. Adding Visual Interest

Laying each plank of tile down side by side is the traditional flooring style however the new trend is patterns! Both Chevron and Herringbone are perfect options as they both offer a very interesting visual style without deterring from the classic look. Honeycomb and modular are also popular patterns for tile. Patterned floors help add some of that eye-catching feature to your floor, which can help pull a room together or make your floor stand out. That being said, if you like the look of a straight lay, but want a little pizazz, try installing it diagonally.

2. Adding Textures

Texturing your floor will not only change how it looks visually, but it will also change the feel of the floor. Handscraped, wire-brushed and distressed are the most popular choices, but embossed and French bleed also make for beautiful finishes. The type of texture you choose will help determine the design theme of the room. For example, wire-brushed is ideal for a more subtle, elegant addition. Distressed is perfect if you want a vintage feel. Scraped or brushed floors, as a bonus, won’t show scuffs and marks in high-traffic places such as playrooms or living rooms!

3. Adding Colour

Classic greys, blondes and honeys will always be popular but will now have more variation!  There wont be many bold contrasts, but instead varying shades!